Jettribe Eurofinals 2024 / World Series Round 1 (Poland (Ostrow Warcki))
24-28 July 2024

Penalties for MOTO 1:
  • Pilot #26 (BUHISAN Marchael Louie) in lap 2: cutting the track 2nd lap .
  • Pilot #26 (BUHISAN Marchael Louie) in lap 3: cutting the track 3rd lap.
Penalties for MOTO 3:
  • Pilot #77 (SALY Oumoeut) in lap 1: -1 for missing white bouy in holeshot.
Page generated on 2024-09-16T22:06:38+02:00.
Results published on 2024-07-28T16:10:52+02:00 .
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